A Message to the Real You

Mountains of Arizona
Cool 61 Degrees
4:43 a.m.

There are quite a few benefits that come from being one of a kind. You stick out, people notice you, you rise above the noise and offer the world a refreshing alternative to the “normal.”

The fact is, that’s how you started. You literally came onto this plane that way.

And then the system began its work on you. Slowly, surely, relentlessly, it began to smooth the sharp corners. It started to cover over the interesting texture of who you really are with a shiny (but fake) patina for the world to see.

Over time, it dug deeper into your mind and your heart and pushed you down a path that led to a steady stream of decisions taking you away from your truth into some other reality.

After a while, the program became our normal. Every day, we think we’re living, but we’re simply executing code, biological software that has nothing to do with who we are but is designed to USE who we are, truly creative beings, to build our own holding cell.

Becoming an Incomparable Expert isn’t about adding things to your reality that are not there. It’s primary about removing all of the things that have been added that shouldn’t be there.

Think about all of the things you say and do doing a “normal” day. Are those things really you? Or were they put there by someone or something else?

Think back to that time in your childhood where you did something that was truly you and the system smacked you down.

“We don’t do that.” “You’d better stop doing that.” “What if you get caught?” “What if they SEE you?” “[INSERT NAME] wouldn’t approve of you doing that.” “You’d better get back on the straight and narrow.”

Remember how that made you feel? That was by design. Because look what happened. You took that pain and you still carry it. We all carry it. We all lug it around right up until the point where we CHOOSE to put it down and never come back for it.

Take, as another example, that little program we have where we look out at others and consistently see a reality better than our own.

Is that the truth? Is that a lie? Is that another program? Who put that there? And why do so many people have that?

Why isn’t the state of humanity where each living being is eternally grateful for being who they are? Why isn’t that the most common vibration?

Is it really human nature to live in a constant state of wanting what we don’t have? How would you know? Because an expert told you? Because a book told you? Because everyone you know acts this way?

Perhaps the system hid the secret truth so well and so completely that even to go looking for it would mean you’d be mocked and ostracized from the pack?

What if the fear that you feel when you think about truly doing what’s in your heart is little more than ANOTHER program the system put there to perpetuate its own existence using you as the fuel source?

Would that make you angry? Would that make you feel used? Would it bring you to a point where it forced you to reclaim the power you truly have over your life?

That is the point where you get to choose to go from death to life.

It’s scary, it’s rocky, it’s where you’re not sure what’s next and you can feel powerful anyway.

It is from this point that you create. It is from this point change is born. It is from this point that you realize that YOU create the world and not the other way around.

The moment you own that responsibility, you’re free.