Never Enough

Mountains of Arizona
Clear 72 Degrees
7:37 a.m.

So it’s easy to make fun of those guys selling PDFs online when they say, in an effort to create scarcity, that only 87 copies of the product remain.

Of course there’s an unlimited supply of an electronic file. That’s kind of obvious to see.

What isn’t quite as obvious is that the same type of game is played with what we call money.

As you hopefully know, money as it stands today is a debt contract.

Each note you’ve got is a promise to pay. But the debt contract that creates that “money” doesn’t include the extra to pay for that money. The money to pay the interest wasn’t created in the original contract.

And so another debt contract has to be created to pay for that.

This is how you hardwire scarcity into a system where there needs not be any scarcity.

This is why we’ve got that “never enough” feeling when it comes to money. Because we feel the vibration the system carries. With the way it’s setup, there literally WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH.

The money game is rigged and the rules are set for virtually everyone to lose.

So the way to win is not to play the game as it is designed. You simply opt out.

I learned years ago that pursuing money DIRECTLY was a mistake. I thought I was just terrible at it. But that’s not the case. These days, I understand more about how it really works.

If there’s one thing I can impart to people about money in the world of business it is this:

The resources are not to be pursued directly.

The resources come as a byproduct of the thing that is to be pursued.

The thing that is pursued is called VALUE CREATION.

We create value for others. Money is a side effect.

Don’t get caught up in the game.

The system is designed to suck your life force so it can be used elsewhere.

But you have to give your permission before that can happen.