Practicing Abundance

Mountains of Arizona
Clear 83 Degrees
10:35 a.m.

Most service providers go out and get clients when they need and want them.

This sounds obvious. And it is. It’s an OK way to survive, but it’s not helpful. Not if you don’t want to spend years on a bizarre roller coaster of “having” and “having not.”

What makes the roller coaster so bad is that feeling you feel RIGHT BEFORE you realize you need to go out and start looking for some clients.

It’s not a pleasant feeling. It’s fear wrapped in need drizzled with a little bit of essence of dread.

I’ve found it’s much better to grow clients all of the time, especially when you don’t need or want any.

This is the reason for the media platform.

I mention this over and over and over again because it is fundamental to the journey of the Incomparable Expert.

If you are not valuable to the world in advance of them (and in spite of them) ever working with you, you’re missing a huge opportunity.

From a business perspective, you could say you’re “planting seeds” that will bear fruit over time. Technically, that’s correct.

But if you dig deeper into what’s really going on, you realize that what you’re doing when you give value freely and consistently, as promised, is something far more profound.

You are practicing abundance.

As it turns out, abundance is a PRACTICE, a state of being. It’s not a set of circumstances.

That means it’s something you choose to do, not something you have to earn.

I didn’t get this for almost four decades. That’s a long time to be smart, bright, talented, (good looking!) and completely clueless.

Everyone wants abundance. It can be hard to get though, especially if you really want it.

In fact, you won’t get it until you already have it.

I would have been annoyed by a smart aleck statement like that had someone said it to me years ago.

I would have thought they were making fun of my situation.

I would not have realized they were telling the truth.

You don’t create abundance. You practice it. And then it shows up.

What this means, once again, is that you have the power.

Almost everything in the world at the moment has been constructed to convince you otherwise.

The mind was tricked into believing it couldn’t have something until it got it.

The truth is you can’t get it until you already have it.