Sit, Ubu, Sit. Good Dog.

Mountains of Arizona
Sunny 54 Degrees
10:47 a.m.

One of the big challenges in the world of the Incomparable Expert is reworking our relationship with authority. Who has it? Who doesn’t? When you sort out your relationship with authority, the effects ripple through every area of your life.

Now I used to be angry about authority. Primarily, I was angry about those who had authority over me. Once I realized what a well-trained sheep I had been, I started to really resent that authority over me.

And then one day I realized, none of those folks actually ever HAD any authority over me. I had done it all to myself. I’d given them the authority which then I perceived they used to control me.

I realized that the only reason I was angry about the authority of others was because I had not reserved any authority of my own.

I gave it all away.

Authority brainwashing is a big deal. And it’s been woven into EVERY layer of our reality from the moment we come earthside.

The reason you want to deal with this is because if you DON’T, you’ll take this sh*tstorm of brainwashing right into your relationships with clients and the people you most want to help.

Let’s turn back the dial to the Milgram experiments from 1963. That’s where one Dr. Milgram took 40 men and had them administer an electric shock to a “learner” when he got a question wrong. (The “learner” was an actor and no real shock was used.)

As more wrong answers (which were all planned) occurred, the strength of the shock was increased. The 40 men were aware of the level of the shock and knew when it approached a lethal level.

There were four levels of pressure placed on the 40 men if they showed any signs of resistance to administering the shock.

Level 1: Please continue.
Level 2: The experiment requires you to continue.
Level 3: It is absolutely essential that you continue.
Level 4: You have no other choice but to continue.

Who was supplying the pressure? A man in a lab coat. In other words, someone wearing an authority costume.

65% of the men were obedient to the man in the lab coat and administered the lethal shock.

This blind obedience training is so pervasive in our reality, it is almost impossible for most people to notice any more. Being a slave to fake authority is “normal.”

All of the authorities you have been led to believe exist and have power actually have none, except that which you give to them.

What happens if you choose to stop doing that?