The Business Book I’m Writing

Mountains of Arizona
Drizzle 46 Degrees
1:17 p.m.

If you want to be different, you basically need to make the decision to just be you and then act in ways that are congruent with that.

You are different, of course, but you were supposed to believe that was a bad thing.

You were supposed to believe that all of your rough edges should be smoothed out rather than celebrated and decorated in lights.

You were supposed to believe that spending your entire life pleasing “the authority” is a good thing to do rather than to figure out that “the authority” is no different than you are and that YOU are the only authority in your sphere.

You were supposed to believe that the experts know. That the medical experts know about your health (as if). That the religious experts know about your future (doubt it). That the business experts know about how to succeed (ha!).

You weren’t supposed to figure out everyone feels just as “lost” as you sometimes do.

“Beware ye the man who is sure of anything.”

But how do you be “you” when you’ve been trained for decades to NOT do that?

Stop letting your head make decisions. It’s been programmed with a virus not meant to serve you. That little voice in your head isn’t the real you.

Your heart knows.

I could write a business book based on this idea. It’d have two pages:

PAGE ONE: “Follow your heart.”

It would take a brave soul to utter something so simple and true that all of the other B.S. about “how to succeed” would end up looking like irrelevant drivel on a page.

Why not be brave?

Why not say and do what is really you?

Quit things that aren’t you. You don’t need a story, you don’t need an explanation. “I’m done,” is all it takes.

Then start things that are you. Don’t ask for advice or opinions until you’re FAR down the road. No one has a clue what you should do.

Bring your outer reality in alignment with your internal reality. You might be surprised at what this style of living is like.