The Business of BEING

Mountains of Arizona
Clear 53 Degrees
6:08 a.m.

We’re not taught to attribute much value to being.

In the current system, doing gets hyped as the way to “succeed.”

Just look at all of the advice out there about filling up your days with doings, about “getting stuff done,” about doing more today than you did yesterday. They even print big books where you can write down all of your doings, and plan them out and organize them and color code them.

Yippeee. Now your ego can feel good about itself for like a second, until tomorrow comes.

To me, the “doing” obsession is like a virus that people spread to others. And “doing” your way through life is a little bit like being given a high powered sports car and driving it around in first gear forever.

You can do it. But you’re really missing out. And you’re going to burn out first gear many, many times.

“Being” doesn’t get so much attention though. After all, where’s the value in that?

This is how we’re trained to think about it. We’re trained to give it ZERO value. We even have words for people who practice “being.”

We have words like lazy, unmotivated, and other labels that carry a similar vibration or worse.

Spend a day just “being” and some people call that vacation or a “wasted” day or “downtime.” We talk about it like a thing that’s only supposed to happen at rare times when you have permission to do that.

Part of shifting your view of the material plane is to truly connect with where the real value is. You have to feel it to put it to use.

The real value IS you. It’s the earth. Everything else is made up by someone.

When you fixate on the value existing only in your doing, you practice the habit of believing that value exists primarily outside of yourself.

This is a slippery slope. Because it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy you end up chasing. And you created it! How powerfully short-sighted and silly we can be.

YOU are the value.

This is why, when it comes to fee setting, you have to get clear on what exactly the fee is for.

If it’s for the doing, then you’ve bought into the programming. And you have willingly become a drone in a sea of millions of drones.

That’s where “competition” lives. And it’s a big race to the bottom where EVERYONE loses.

This is where so many service providers have positioned them selves… by their own consent.

But your consent is everything. When you withdraw it, the machine stops. And you wipe the canvas clean for you to begin again.

You can build something new where BEING in the world has value and is the basis for abundant exchange with others.

What would that look like for you?

That’s a question that’s worth asking.

This is the type of journey we’re going to take next week. Come along if you’re interested.