The Consistency Issue

Mountains of Arizona
Sunny 47 Degrees
3:12 p.m.

One of the most common hang-ups I hear when talking to people about starting a media platform (a newsletter, a podcast, whatever floats your boat!), is this:

“I have to publish this every day/week/month/quarter? I don’t know if I can keep up with that.”

On the surface, that’s a logical excuse. If you don’t know if you’re going to keep it up, then why start?

That little argument is enough for most of us to just go another direction. And our “little self” is happy with such a rational decision.

Me thinks there is something much deeper going on.

The path of the Incomparable Expert is ultimately about accepting a radical amount of self-responsibility.

It’s fairly easy to accept responsibility for commitments and promises you make.

But it’s an entirely different thing to accept full responsibility for WHO YOU ARE.

That can be some scary sh*t!

Especially since we’ve been trained, from day one, to MINIMIZE and completely DISCOUNT the value of who we are. Who wants to show THAT to the world when we’ve been told all our lives that we suck?

But that’s what we are facing here.

If you’re going to publish a media platform that makes IMPACT, then it has to be real. And to be real, you have to draw on WHO YOU ARE.

You have to be willing to show the world. And you have to do it over and over again.

Some people will like who you are, others will not.

Are you ready for that?

I CAN tell you that there is freedom on the other side of doing this. It’s the only place true freedom exists.

Consistency is not the issue.

A willingness to tell the world the truth about who you are and to OWN IT is the issue.