The Decision Delta

Mountains of Arizona
Clear and Windeeeee 66 Degrees
3:32 p.m.

The biggest obstacle in all of business seems to be a general lack of clarity at every level.

You might feel like you aren’t clear, but I haven’t even gotten to YOU yet. I’m talking about all of the people looking at you.

If people aren’t recognizing you, your product, your service, your company, it’s not because they’re dumb..

It’s because you’re not clear enough to make that decision ridiculously easy for them.

I call this the “Decision Delta.” And for many folks, the “delta,” or difference between your buyer’s current level of clarity and the clarity required for them to say, “Yes!” to what you have is MILES WIDE.

The media platform model, where you show up consistently via some sort of publication like a podcast or newsletter, helps to fill in the space between this delta.

The price you pay is in time though. It’s slow. But after enough raw material that you create and send out to the world, one day, people just realize you’re the right one for them. It feels a little bit like fruit ripening on a tree. One day, a peach is ready, the next day, some berries.

This is slow, but it’s pretty foolproof.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t work to get this clarity more quickly, more often, more easily.

WARNING: This is hard work.

What would have to change about the way you present yourself to the world so that, the moment the right person came into your field, they’d KNOW you were right for them?

Think about Apple’s® iPhone…

People didn’t get the Apple email newsletter for two years so a strong relationship could be built first before they bought the thing.

They just wanted the iPhone because it was awesome. They could tell in a second or less.

The CLARITY was actually built into the product. Understand that Apple’s 123K employees all work to get THIS single point of clarity right. That’s a lot of brainpower aimed at a problem that WE’RE trying to solve in our tiny enterprises with just a fraction of the number of people to help.

So don’t get discouraged if it takes a while.

People aren’t buying because they don’t want what you have. They usually hold back because they’re not even CLEAR about what you have and how it will help them.

You want to “scale?” The price you pay for THAT is clarity. It’s got to be extreme.