Upside Down Advertising

Mountains of Arizona
Rain 38 Degrees
7:49 a.m.

I was a bit confused when I got started in the marketing world.

I spent a lot of time learning how to manipulate people.

This is a very impractical way to get attention and build a business.

It’s not because it doesn’t work, it’s because it doesn’t last.

While manipulation gets a result, it does so at the expense of trust. But it’s a delayed reaction, so the issues are not immediately apparent. There’s this invisible supply of anti-trust that gets created with each manipulative act.

People don’t notice it at first. And then one day, they see the whole pile of crap and they never trust you again!

When human beings realize they are being manipulated, they respond accordingly.

From my perspective, marketing and selling are not about manipulation.

Marketing and selling are understanding the human being you are serving at such a deep level that you KNOW what you put before them.

So when it comes to advertising and letting the world know you exist, this is the question to ask:

“What can I set out before the people I want to serve so that, when they see that thing, they are immediately attracted to it and can interact with it in a way that adds value to their life?”

If your current answer is, “I have no idea!” then I have good news!

You now know exactly where your focus needs to go. It needs to go towards developing a deeper understanding of the human being you are trying to serve.

You don’t THINK yourself there, you ACT yourself there.

You attempt to be of service to them. And when no one notices, or it’s clear that you failed, you try again.

Marketing and selling should ADD to the relationship and trust you are building with someone not take away from those things.