Why Great Clients Choose You

Mountains of Arizona
Sunny 84 Degrees
10:11 a.m.

I basically do two types of work these days: I’m either building marketing systems for Partner Program clients (it’s like making art for people, but it pays better 🙂 OR I’m working through Advisory Program submissions.

Yesterday, a dentist in the advisory program asked for suggestions about clearing up some focus/messaging issues on his website. There’s some room for improvement in the quality of the patient the site is bringing in.

The website looks good, and the copy accurately describes what he does and even offers quite a bit of detail about that.

The issue, from my perspective, is that it’s missing that NEXT layer of meaning-the layer that sets THIS dentist apart from all the others in a way that everyone gets it.

While the website properly communicates the competency layer of the equation, that’s only the price you pay to PLAY the game. There’s no way you can win with that.

Why should they choose you? That’s really the question you have to SHOW them the answer to.

Great clients don’t choose you because you just bought the newest equipment. Great clients don’t choose you because you’re cheaper or faster.

Great clients choose you because they see something in YOU or your organization that they KNOW they can’t get anywhere else.

And they want that!

So engineering that whole situation (it’s not luck) is what this whole journey is about.

You have to truly understand them.

You have to truly understand YOU.

You have to build a bridge that connects the two worlds so that, eventually, they realize they’d never choose to go anywhere else.