Working For a Living

Mountains of Arizona
Everybody’s Sleeping But the Coyotes 55 Degrees
4:26 a.m.

I spent quite a few years in the job world. Toting around the resume, networking with the right people, saying the right things, positioning myself for a raise, showing up to get noticed.

As best I can recall from any of those jobs, I can’t remember ever hearing any single person say, “Boy, I love what I’m doing here. I was made to do this!”

Most everyone I encountered in my employment history wanted to be somewhere else, doing something else.

It’s really a huge epidemic that leads people to waste their precious time when they don’t really have to.

Even now, when I talk to my daughter who is 15, my advice is pretty simple:

The only reason you’d ever get a job is to work for someone who had something to teach you that you want to learn.

Other than that, there are far better ways to get money if that’s what you want.

She may or may not agree with that advice. She may or may not follow it. That’s fine. She’s here to learn her own lessons, not to repeat mine.

Why are so many people spending their days doing things they don’t like?

Because they have to.

Is ANYONE here designed to actually enjoy being told what to do by someone else every day?

“You come at this time, you leave at this time. In between, I’ll tell you what to do with yourself. If you’d like to take a few days and explore things you actually enjoy, please make sure you ask for permission.”

The whole system is created to make people believe they have to do this.

I don’t think it’s true. I think it’s a lie we make true by our consent.

It’s much like the lie we make true that we should send our children off to total strangers every day so they can get a good “education.”

It’s much like the lie we make true that we have to spend the first 18-30 years of our life “getting ready” for real life so that, hopefully, by the time we’re ready to start, someone out there PICKS US because of our credentials.

It’s much like the lie we make true that borrowing fake money from a bank that created it out of nothing but a ledger entry so that we can “buy” a house (that we never actually own and only occupy as a tenant) and spend the next 30 years paying for it twice over is a “smart” financial decision to make. It’s “good” debt. “Let’s do the smart things and refinance that sucker so we can reset the amortization schedule and pay even MORE for it!” That’s pretty funny. But look around. We make it true.

The silver lining here is that if we make those lies true, we can make other things true. Things we actually want. YOU can make them true.

It starts with a choice. It’s continues with intention. It is then fueled by action.

I don’t think that working for a living is what we’re here to do.

We’re not here to spend our days doing things we don’t enjoy, surrounded by people we wouldn’t choose to be around, JUST so we can “make it” and pay the bills.

I think we’re here to spend our days contributing as a celebration of who we are. When you do that, I’m not even sure “work” is the right word.

What does it look like when YOU do this?

What would your business look like? What would your life look like if you got the clarity and practical action steps to live in alignment with the real YOU?

A few months ago, I created a service called Do What You Love and Prosper. It’s my attempt to help people answer this question in a way that makes them feel alive inside AND brings material success.

For the next 48 hours, this will be available for exactly 50% of the normal exchange.

Why would I do this? Business wise, it makes little sense. But that’s only if you’re using the linear, two-dimensional definition of business where exchanges have to balance using specific substances only.

After all, each of these requires a fair amount of time. The phone conferences, the thinking, the structuring, the follow-up phone conference.

The reason I do this is because of the compensation I receive that you can’t see.

Each time I get to plant the seed in someone, to offer them focus, direction, empowerment and inspiration that, YES, they CAN spend their time doing what they enjoy and STILL succeed, that’s worth more to me than just about anything.

“Labor” can either give you energy or take energy from you. You get to choose.

Are you doing what you’re here to do?