Time is Money and Other Lies They Tell Children

Mountains of Arizona
Sunny 72 Degrees
3:05 p.m.

Most of us have a pretty screwed up relationship with money.

I searched out a lot of books over the years to try to maneuver my way through that quagmire.

You can work on your mindset, you can work on your self-image, you can work on your subconscious, you can discipline your imagination.

There are a lot of areas you can focus on.

But I think there’s a better place to start:

Start with withdrawing your consent to believe the lie that time and money are inextricably connected.

We’ve all heard that our entire lives. Time is money. Why would that be?

Well, let me ask you a question:

How do you control beings who are pretty much unlimited?

You get them to willingly create their own limits, that’s how. You end up using their power against them.

I’ve long talked about the problems with charging per hour. From a practical standpoint, it’s not smart for either party. But there’s a far more important reason to stop:

Charging by the hour perpetuates an illusion that was intended for you to use to build your own prison.

In that paradigm, time DOES equal money.

And if you believe it, you build and project it.

When you consent to accept the belief that time equals money, then you have effectively capped what is an unlimited resource (energy) and put it into what we’ve been taught is a finite container (time).

You’re set up to lose from step one.

Yes, our current money system is designed to be easily manipulated, but that’s not gonna last. Just look at what’s going on out in the world.

If time doesn’t equal money, what DOES equal money?

That’s a much better question to ask.